Rank: King
Alternative Names: Baal, Baalzebub, Beelzebub (in some interpretations)
Role in Hell:
Bael is one of the most prominent demonic kings in Hell, ruling over the eastern regions of the infernal empire. He is a master of deception and concealment, often working to obscure the truth and manipulate the perceptions of both mortals and spirits. His role extends beyond mere governance; he is a strategist and a keeper of secrets, often consulted by other demons for his wisdom and cunning. Bael is also a gatekeeper of sorts, controlling the flow of information and energy between Hell and the mortal world. His presence is said to bring an aura of authority and fear, as he embodies the pride and ambition of Lucifer himself.
Legions Commanded: 66 legions of demons.
Influence on Satan's Disciples:
Bael’s influence is profound for those who align themselves with Satan’s cause. He grants the power of invisibility, allowing disciples to move undetected in both the physical and spiritual realms. This ability is invaluable for those engaged in covert operations, espionage, or evading enemies. Beyond this, Bael imparts wisdom and strategic insight, helping disciples to navigate complex situations and outmaneuver their adversaries. However, his influence comes with a warning: Bael’s energy is deeply tied to pride, and those who summon him risk becoming consumed by arrogance or overconfidence. Disciples must remain vigilant, as Bael’s gifts can lead to downfall if misused.